What we do
Ilifa Labantwana is a South African early childhood development programme founded in 2007.
Ilifa Labantwana works towards a South Africa where everyone contributes to children reaching their full potential. We use our technical expertise and deep understanding of government alongside evidence, collaboration, and advocacy to strengthen the early childhood development ecosystem.
Read or download our Annual Report 2023.

Our track record
Our contribution to ECD in South Africa began with support of the Sobambisana Initiative – a four-year programme implemented by five non-profit organisations to test various models of community-based ECD. Sobambisana’s evaluation informed the National Integrated Plan for ECD, the Essential Package of ECD services, and later the National ECD Policy for South Africa.
For more on our history, read through our publications:
The Ilifa Labantwana Story: 2007-2024
The Ilifa Labantwana Story: Phase I
The Ilifa Labantwana Story: Phase II