by Svetlana | Jul 19, 2017 | Blog, News, The Policy Post
At the 5th ANC National Policy Conference earlier this month, it was recommended that early childhood development, as a line item, move from Department of Social Development to Basic Education (DBE). DBE Minister Angie Motshekga, MP, announced this proposal when she...
by Svetlana | May 2, 2017 | Blog, The Policy Post
As we move into 2017 we are seeing a growing momentum in foundational actions taken, at a departmental level, for implementation of the national ECD Policy. This issue of the Policy Post reflects on several key publications which are encouraging in that they reflect...
by Svetlana | Dec 5, 2016 | Blog, The Policy Post
2016 has been a good year for early childhood development in South Africa. The National Integrated ECD Policy was adopted Many more ECD centres, which had previously battled to register and improve access to quality services, were able to register and access the ECD...
by Svetlana | Oct 28, 2016 | Blog, The Policy Post
This Wednesday, Minister Pravin Gordhan presented South Africa’s annual mini budget – or the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, as it goes by formally. The MTBPS is crucially important for the country, and for the ECD sector, as it gives an indication...
by Svetlana | Oct 3, 2016 | Blog, ECD News, The Policy Post
On 6 September 2016, the Departments of Social Development (DSD) and Basic Education (DBE) made another presentation to the Basic Education Parliamentary Portfolio Committee. The minutes of the briefing and Q&A can be viewed here. The Departments noted that they,...
by Svetlana | Aug 11, 2016 | Blog, The Policy Post
(Photo credit: The Guardian) Well, the local government elections, and hopefully the celebratory or remorse hangovers, are now behind us. The newly elected administrations now face the hard work of making the many promises a reality and creating better communities and...