by Svetlana | Dec 6, 2018 | Blog, ECD News, News, Parenting
The new South African 24-hour Movement Guidelines for Birth to Five years, which describes how much physical activity, sitting, screen time and sleep babies, toddlers and children between 0-5 should be getting, was launched this week. The launch of the movement...
by Svetlana | Sep 19, 2018 | Blog, News, Parenting
Reading is an important form of stimulation and teaches babies and children about communication; introduces them to numbers, letters, colours and shapes; develops their listening, memory and vocabulary skills; and enables them to understand the world around them....
by Svetlana | Apr 20, 2018 | Blog, Innovation Edge, News, Parenting
The Wordworks app, designed to equip parents, caregivers and practitioners with the skills to support early learning, is now available on the Google Play store. The development of the app was funded by Ilifa Labantwana’s sister organisation Innovation Edge. The...
by Svetlana | Aug 21, 2017 | Blog, ECD News, News, Parenting
The Sinovuyo Caring Families Programme, which was developed in the Western Cape and underwent a randomised control trial (RCT) supported by Ilifa Labantwana, is now being implemented in six countries outside of South Africa. The RCT, which ran from 2014 to 2016,...
by Svetlana | Sep 29, 2016 | Blog, ECD News, News, Parenting
It’s been just over three years since the Sinovuyo Caring Families Project was piloted with 68 families in Khayalitsha, Cape Town. The programme, which recently completed a two year randomised control trial supported by Ilifa Labantwana, has attracted a great...
by Svetlana | Jun 26, 2015 | Blog, Parenting, Projects
By Lisa Cohen (Project Lead: Home Visiting / Parenting interventions) Last week, I visited the final round of home visitor training in two new districts in North West province and I was struck by the personal growth in the women enrolled in the programme. I first met...