Programmes and systems
Over the past four years, we have worked with government and a range of implementing partners to demonstrate effective delivery mechanisms for a suite of quality, age-appropriate early childhood development programmes.
Bhalisa Inkulisa
Streamlining partial care registration
South Africa’s Department of Social Development is committed to assisting all ECD centres achieve partial care registration. Bhalisa Inkhulisa was developed by Ilifa, the Network Action Group, and KwaZulu-Natal’s Department of Social Development to streamline the partial care registration process.
ECD Infrastructure Support System
Systematically improving ECD centre infrastructure
The ECD Infrastructure Support System helps in making decisions on how to allocate limited infrastructure and resources in the most cost-effective way to ECD centres with the highest potential. The end goal is for centres to receive partial care registration and access the ECD subsidy.
Early Learning Playgroups programme
Harnessing the power of communities
Early Learning Playgroups is a non-centre based programme for children aged three to five years. Playgroup facilitators are recruited, and paid, by the government’s Community Work Programme, and registered by SmartStart social franchising for quality control.
ECD centre enrichment
Improved ECD centres mean better quality ECD
The ECD centre enrichment programme demonstrates how the facilities of existing ECD centres can be improved through government systems which already in place.
Family & Community Motivators programme
Circles of support for caregivers
The Family & Community Motivators programme is non-centre based ECD programme targeted at vulnerable families with children aged zero to six years, as well as pregnant women. Trained ‘motivators’ visit families in their homes on a regular basis and provide support and advice on ECD.
Ibhayi Lengane
First 1000 days relationship support tool
Ibhayi Lengane helps caregivers realise the ‘ordinary magic’ which takes place trough loving, responsive care. This programme was designed as an ‘add-on’ to existing home-visiting programmes, and focuses on strengthening the attachment between mother and child during the first 1 000 days of life.
Inclusive ECD programme
Hubs for early learning and advocacy
This programme enables children with disabilities to take part in centre-based early learning programmes, through the creation and support of ‘inclusive hubs’ at existing ECD centres.
Philani Mentor Mothers programme
Home visiting for maternal and child health
The Philani Mentor Mother programme aims to combat the health challenges faced by women living in poverty, with the goal of improving maternal and child morbidity and mortality. This community-based programme focuses on bringing a supportive and informative primary healthcare intervention into the homes of families.
Sinovuyo Caring Families Project
Low-cost, local, scalable
The Sinovuyo Caring Families Project is a locally developed, evidence-based parenting programme that aims to reduce the risk of child maltreatment and improve children’s developmental outcomes. It’s aimed at high-risk families with children aged two to nine years.