To prosper, South Africa must invest in quality early childhood development
Early childhood development (ECD) is a period of intense physical, mental, and socio-emotional development that takes place from conception until age six. When children benefit from quality ECD, they thrive. They start school ready to learn and, as adults, participate fully in social and economic life. Children who benefit from quality ECD have the potential to build a society where wealth is shared by all. Countries that invest in ECD ultimately see improved economic growth, labour market productivity, and public health savings.
If all children were on track in terms of physical growth, South Africa could add R62 bn/year to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the coming years. In turn, if a universal early learning programme (ELP) resulted in a fully literate working population, South Africa’s GDP could grow by about a quarter as a result. A properly equipped national home visiting programme would save the health sector about R30bn over 10 years; it would also add R427bn to the country’s GDP through the multiplier effect of increased employment and the added productivity of a healthier population.
Expanding quality ECD services and support to all children and their caregivers is an opportunity to catalyse human capital formation in the short term as well. The first step is that children are developmentally ready for formal schooling from Grade R. An expansion in ECD services will boost the women-led care sector and allow caregivers to work or look for work.
By situating ECD as central to South Africa’s long-term socio-economic development plans, we can unlock children’s potential, secure, and expand jobs for marginalised women, stimulate local economies, and promote a more just and thriving society.
Our Vision
Quality early childhood development for all children that also supports caregivers, creates sustainable livelihoods for women and builds an equitable and prosperous South Africa.
Our Mission
Ilifa Labantwana works towards a South Africa where everyone contributes to children reaching their full potential. We use our technical expertise and deep understanding of government alongside evidence, collaboration, and advocacy to strengthen the early childhood development ecosystem.