Group programmes for parenting education

Evidence from the Sobambisana Initiative

In 2008, Ilifa commissioned five non-profit organisations to test various models of community-based ECD across four South African provinces. This resulted in a four-year programme known as the Sobambisana (Togetherness) Initiative.

The Sobambisana Initiative comprised five kinds of interventions:

  1. home visits to caregivers and children
  2. community playgroups with parent education components
  3. community playgroups without parent education components
  4. centre and school-based interventions
  5. advocacy for improved and integrated services for children among regional and local government officials and civil society organisations

This learning brief focuses on what emerged from the research on the role and impact of parents/caregivers on the growth and development of their young children.

Written by Andy Dawes, Linda Biersteker, and Lynn Hendriks. Published by Ilifa in May 2012.