Ilifa Insights

Issue 3 Parenting

Ilifa Insights is a periodical publication of the lessons gathered through Ilifa’s research and implementation work.

The third issue of Ilifa Insights, explores the relationship between the primary caregiver and the child.

Security, stimulation and love delivered through the parent-child relationship is where early childhood development begins. The social structures around the parent-child relationship, however, are of profound importance because the support, or in adverse instances – the neglect or hostility – they impart will affect the ability of the primary caregiver to nurture her child, and impact the quality of the relationship between them, and consequently the development of the child.

In Insights Issue 3 Parenting, Ilifa’s programmes are assessed for their ability to mitigate the adverse environmental influences directed at the caregiver, and the resultant effects this has on her relationship with her child and the child’s development.

The third issue of Ilifa Insights includes articles on:

  • Sinovuyo Caring Families Project
  • Philani Mentor Mothers
  • Inclusive ECD
  • Home Visiting Family & Community Motivator Programme
  • First 1000 Days Relationship Support Tool

Various contributors. Published by Ilifa in 2015.