Reviewing our work

Message from our CEO
Over the past 16 years, Ilifa Labantwana has worked to increase access to quality early childhood development (ECD) services for about 2.5 million poor children. We have helped reshape the ECD landscape, using evidence-based research and data, advocacy, technical expertise, and understanding of government to drive much-needed ECD policy reform, support crucial changes to ECD legislation, and change both practices and mindsets.
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Over the past 16 years, Ilifa Labantwana has worked to increase access to quality early childhood development (ECD) services for about 2.5 million poor children. We have helped reshape the ECD landscape, using evidence-based research and data, advocacy, technical expertise, and understanding of government to drive much-needed ECD policy reform, support crucial changes to ECD legislation, and change both practices and mindsets.
Our work has only been possible through our valued partnerships with government, non-governmental organisations, researchers, and funders who are a part of South Africa’s complex and wider ecosystem of early childhood service provision. The pages that follow present our joint achievements and lessons from acting as an ECD systems change agent. We present our reflections on our story of change over the years, as well as an independently produced case study of our systems work to expand South-to-South learning.
Irrespective of the progress made, we are mindful of the obstacles in the long road ahead to quality universal ECD service provision. The most pressing issue is the need to bring together and increase both public and private sector investment in ECD and advocate for ECD as a key driver of human capital formation. We should harness all sectors of society to work towards creating a sustainable and equitable start for all children.
Achieving our country’s goals around job creation, economic growth, equality, and joint prosperity will not be possible without investment in young children’s care and development. We remain committed to supporting the ECD ecosystem in fulfilling our collective ECD mandate and ensuring every citizen and organisation recognises its contribution to children reaching their full potential.
I am continually reminded that to go far, we must go together. I would like to extend gratitude to the Ilifa team – including the Ilifa staff and Board – who go above and beyond towards realising our vision and mission. I also want to thank the leaders who came before me for laying the foundation for the stories we are telling. And last, but not least, a special word of gratitude on behalf of our organisation goes to our partners – both government and non-government – as well as our funders for their continued collaboration and support.

Zaheera Mohamed
Chief Executive Officer
Systems Change Case Study
This case study reflects on two of Ilifa’s core system strategies: ‘unlocking public financing’ and ‘reframing ECD service provision’ by exploring inflection points, impacts, and lessons.
Our Story Of Change
Explore 16 years’ of Ilifa’s efforts to strengthen the ECD sector to enable all children, caregivers, and pregnant women to access the Essential Package of ECD services.